Here is the web portal for liver NPC single cell data reported in our manuscript:

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Search for an official human gene name (e.g., CD36) to visualize its expression in human liver NPCs and macrophage subsets:

Cell type annotation

UMAP visualization summarizing the projection of single cells onto two dimentional UMAP space. Each single cell is colored by their corresponding cell types.

  • Left plot: Distinct cell types exist in human liver NPCs.
  • Right plot: Liver macrophages comprise of four distinct subclusters (LM1-4).

Gene expression

Line 1: Same UMAP projection as above plots. Each single cell is colored by the expression level of the query gene in log2-RPKM scale.

  • Left plot: Human liver NPCs.
  • Right plot: Human liver macrophage subsets.

Line 2: Splitted violin plots summarizing the expression level of the query gene in single cells of lean and obese individuals for each cell type. Each violin plot draws the quartiles as horizontal lines, representing the first quartile (lower dotted line), median (dashed line) and the thrid quartile (upper dotted line).

  • Left plot: Human liver NPCs.
  • Right plot: Human liver macrophage subsets.

Aouadi Lab

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